Friday, June 15, 2012

AP Art Deadlines for 2013

AP Studio Art deadlines are demanding and must be adhered to.  The timeline is explicit and must be followed in order to create a strong portfolio to be turned in to the CollegeBoard on May10th.  
  1. Concentration 1, 2 & 3 - Summer Assignments - due 8/27 - CRITIQUE
  2. Breadth 1 - due 9/5
  3. Breadth 2 - due 9/14 - CRITIQUE
  4. Breadth 3 - due 9/24
  5. Concentration 4 - due 10/4 - CRITIQUE
  6. Concentration 5 - due 10/15
  7. Concentration 6 - due 10/25
  8. Breadth 4 - due 11/5
  9. Concentration 7 - due 11/15 - CRITIQUE
  10. Concentration 8 - due 11/26
  11. Concentration 9 - due 12/6
  12. Breadth 5 - due 12/17 - CRITIQUE
  13. Concentration 10 - due 1/8/13
  14. Concentration 11 - due 1/18/13
  15. Concentration 12 - due 1/28/13 - CRITIQUE
  16. Breadth 6 - due 2/7/13
  17. Breadth 7 - due 2/19/13
  18. Breadth 8 - due 3/1/13
  19. Breadth 9 - due 3/18/13 - CRITIQUE
  20. Breadth 10 - due 3/28/13
  21. Breadth 11 - due 4/8/13
  22. Breadth 12 - due 4/19/13 - CRITIQUE
The weeks of April 22 - 26 and April 29 - May 3rd, all work is to be photographed, blogs with sketchbooks are to be finalized, written concentrations are to be finalized and submitted to me, registration for submitting portfolios is to be completed and work uploaded to your AP site.  This year there will be NO EXCEPTIONS.
May 10th - AP Portfolios are submitted.
Congratulations.  You did it.

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