Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Beauty in Brokenness - a concept to play with

What does beauty look like to you?
What does broken look like to you?
Does beauty have to be a set standard agreed upon by others?
Is broken something less beautiful?
How would you put these concepts together through your art?

That’s the question.

What will your answer be?

Interesting Idea for Concentration

I found this image while attempting to do other work - just like all of you, I get caught up in something other than what I need to be doing - but thought I'd share it as I think there is something in it that speaks to a greater idea.  So simple but it pulls at me to try to understand and explain it.  

Art should have a voice.  
Art should not just be a pretty or shocking image.

You have a voice.
Use it well and make people listen.